In The News

Microbiome Matters: The Surprising Impact on Sperm Health!

Microbiome Matters: The Surprising Impact on Sperm Health In recent years, scientific research has unveiled the profound interconnectedness of various bodily systems. One of the most groundbreaking discoveries is the gut to sperm axis, highlighting an unexpected link between a man's gut microbiome and his reproductive health. This revelation not only expands our understanding of reproductive biology but also opens…
gain a decade UK study Singapore blue zone
Food For Thought

A Healthier Future: Singapore’s Alignment with Gain a Decade’s Findings

The recent "Gain a Decade Study" from the United Kingdom highlighted the potential for dietary changes to extend life expectancy by up to 10 years. The research specifically advocates for diets rich in whole grains, fruits, and nuts while limiting processed meats and sugary drinks. Intriguingly, the study’s findings on nutrition and longevity parallel the public health policies and subsequent…
Histone DNA epigenetics
Food For Thought

Your Lifestyle, Your Genes: Understanding Epigenetics

Introduction to Epigenetics: More Than Just Genes Our genetic makeup is like a vast bookshelf, with each gene representing a unique volume. Epigenetics is the study of the 'highlighters' and 'bookmarks' that dictate which volumes get read and which don’t, affecting our traits without altering the DNA text itself. This intricate interplay of genetics, nutrition, and environment shapes everything from…
Food For Thought

Hyper-Personalized IBS management and the power of microbiome testing

Dealing with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and chronic constipation can be challenging, as symptoms often differ from person to person. This variability means that finding the right treatment approach can be a process of trial and error. However, creating a hyper-personalized IBS management plan and incorporating constipation relief strategies, including cutting-edge microbiome testing, can greatly improve your quality of life.…
February 23, 2023

Understanding the Type of Menopause You’re Experiencing

Types of Menopause: Natural vs. Induced Menopause is a natural process that occurs as women age, but it can also be induced by medical treatments or surgeries that affect the ovaries. Understanding the type of menopause you're experiencing is essential to identifying the right treatment options and improving overall health. Natural Menopause Natural menopause typically occurs between the ages of…
February 23, 2023

Overcoming Menopause Symptoms: A Practical Approach

Welcome to second installation of Fitgenetix young forever  series on Menopause. The goal of this series is to provide women with comprehensive information about menopause, including its causes, symptoms, and available management options. In addressing a range of topics, we hope to help women feel more informed and empowered to manage their menopausal symptoms and maintain their overall health and…
February 21, 2023

What is Menopause and Why Does It Happen?

Welcome to  Fitgenetix young forever  series on Menopause. Overall, the goal of this series would be to provide women with comprehensive information about menopause, including its causes, symptoms, and available management options. In addressing a range of topics, we hope to help women feel more informed and empowered to manage their menopausal symptoms and maintain their overall health and wellbeing…
August 22, 2022


更年期几乎影响我们身体的每个系统,这意味着我们必须开始采取更全面的方法来解决这些问题。这个过程在三个阶段缓慢发生:围绝经期、绝经期和绝经后。 绝经前/绝经中/绝经后每个系统如何相互作用?雌激素如何以不同的方式影响所有这些系统,我们可以做些什么来帮助恢复这种平衡? 我们应该包括一个简短的入门书,描述遗传学并将其与激素联系起来,作为每个人都可以理解的开场白。我们可以从 FG 介绍 ppt 中得到。例如,“DNA 或脱氧核糖核酸是包含我们独特遗传密码的长分子。就像一本食谱书,它包含了制造我们体内所有蛋白质的说明。”这些蛋白质是构成你身体一切的基石,你的头发、骨骼、肌肉、血液、皮肤和荷尔蒙。 雌激素是对性和生殖健康很重要的激素,主要是女性。它们也被称为女性性激素。术语“雌激素”是指该组中所有化学性质相似的激素,它们是雌酮、雌二醇(主要存在于育龄妇女中)和雌三醇。  雌激素受体遍布全身,从皮肤到大脑,甚至在骨骼中。这些雌激素受体与在全身循环的雌激素分子结合。当雌激素水平不平衡或低时,它们不能有效地与雌激素受体结合。如果没有足够的雌激素与受体结合,身体就无法代谢这些雌激素来调节其他过程。 欲了解更多信息,請致電 Carrie Tang 626-340-6003 你的荷尔蒙很大程度上受基因的影响。绝经前,女性雌激素的主要来源是卵巢。雌激素的主要类型是雌二醇(E2),它是雌激素的强形式。绝经后,雌激素的主要来源是肾上腺和脂肪组织,雌激素的主要类型是雌酮(E1),比雌激素(E2)弱。特定基因控制着你产生雌激素的速度。研究表明,与 AMPK(一种维持能量平衡所必需的酶)和雌激素产生有关的基因可能是卵泡发育过程中的关键参与者。此外,卵巢中的 AMPK、BMP 信号和雌激素合成系统之间可能存在强烈的串扰。遗传以及饮食和生活方式会导致雌激素水平低或高,这两者都是不可取的。雌激素可以在体内采取其他形式,有些是健康的,有些则不那么健康。不太健康的那种非常强壮,可能是发展为雌激素依赖性疾病的风险因素。这也很大程度上取决于特定的基因活动以及您的饮食和生活方式如何影响这一点。雌激素需要附着在需要它的特定细胞中的特定雌激素受体上。这些受体也受遗传调控。最后,身体需要清除已经完成工作的荷尔蒙。这主要通过肝脏发生。清除过程受基因驱动,但也取决于肠道健康。更年期会改变你的肠道微生物群。雌激素的失衡会影响生活在肠道内的激素受体,进而影响微生物组的表现。它还会影响微生物组中存在的有益细菌的平衡。当有益细菌开始减少时,您的肠道微生物群就会受到影响。这会导致腹胀、消化不良、营养吸收减少等等。 虽然您无法避免更年期或其大部分症状,但您可以努力减轻其影响并随着身体的变化而感觉更舒适。您可以在这种自然变化中生存并茁壮成长。  Fitgenetix 分析肠道健康的方法与您的遗传学相结合,可以为您提供一种个性化的方法来引导您在更年期的健康。我们希望让您能够做出必要的饮食和生活方式改变,让您重回美妙的感觉!很少或没有药物。
Food For Thought

Menopause and Microbiome

Menopause impacts virtually every system in our bodies, and which means that we have to start taking a more holistic approach to how we address those issues. This process happens slowly over three stages: perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause. How does each system interact with each other before/during/after menopause? How do the estrogens affect all of these systems in different ways,…