My name is Mahashweta Ojha and this is my Fitgenetix experience. Highlights in this blog include:
- Inches lost
- Better digestion
- Feeling great, fresh and energized
- Less bloating in midsection
- Working to improve cholesterol, Vitamin D intake
- Understanding of the right foods for my body
I’m from Dehli, India, but moved to America when I was 20-years-old and now live in Los Angeles with my family. I’ve always believed in a holistic approach to health and fitness, so when I came across Fitgenetix on the Internet, I was impressed by the scientific approach and simply eating and working out for your genes. I was interested in improving my overall health to live a long and happy life. I truly believed learning about my DNA would make a big difference because sometimes what I think is best for me, might not be the best options for my genetics. I was ready to find out some answers.
One of the biggest takeaways from my report was that I have high LDL cholesterol levels, so I need to choose healthier fats, get rid of trans fats and eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and to increase soluble fiber. Another tidbit is to improve my Vitamin D levels, which is challenging because I don’t like to spend a lot of time in the sun and I’m a vegetarian, which meats/eggs/milk are all main sources of Vitamin D. So, I’ve started to implement a Vitamin D supplement into my diet to ensure I’m hitting my levels.
Another big thing I learned about myself was the best foods/portions for my body, based on ordering my DNA based meals. That was a huge learning lesson for me. Before, I was just eating what I wanted; now I have a better idea of what foods are more beneficial for me. Plus, the pre-packaged meals are colorful, tasty and convenient.
I’ve noticed a huge change in the past six months since I’ve been working with Fitgenetix. My sleep has improved; I sleep through the whole night. I feel fresh and energized. My digestion is on track and I feel like my body has been shrinking! My clothes are loose. It’s a good feeling to know the positive actions I’m taking with Fitgenetix are improving my mood, eating habits and the way I exercise. I really like to walk! I just feel so great!
The reason why I’m sharing my story is because I want to be a good role model for my friends; family and community in India. I hope to educate people that if you’re eating the right foods for your body, it can really help you live a long life away from disease, heart problems, diabetes and more. In fact, high cholesterol is very common in south Asia regardless of weight or age due to genetics, causing heart disease and stroke.
I highly recommend checking out Fitgenetix after the success I have experienced. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and hope I was able to provide some insight on DNA based programs.