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Lee Akay

JAMA Coronavirus Report

Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA published) a 138 patient Wuhan coronavirus report on Friday. Report provides comprehensive information about patients infected by the virus; it details how the illness spreads and progresses. Approximately 10% of the patients had diarrhea and nausea first instead of common symptoms, cough and fever. Other uncommon symptoms included headache, dizziness and abdominal pain….

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New coronavirus cocktail

Chinese scientists say a new approach to treating patients with coronavirus is gaining initial success: using an antiviral drug for the flu and an anti-HIV drug. A combination therapy involving cocktails of drugs meant for different ailments may prove to be effective in combating the coronavirus. Viruses aren’t as easy to treat as bacteria; they are diverse and can’t be…

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中国尝试多种药物对抗病毒 中国科学家表示,一种治疗冠状病毒患者的新方法正在取得初步成功:使用一种用于治疗流感的抗病毒药和一种抗HIV药物。 武汉官方媒体《长江日报》报道称,研究人员发现,在俄罗斯和中国被用于治疗流感的抗病毒药阿比朵尔(Arbidol)与抗HIV药物达芦那韦(Darunavir)联合使用,可以有效抑制新型冠状病毒。 研究人员没有说明使用这种联合疗法治疗了多少患者,评估其有效性可能为时过早。外部专家也未对研究结果进行评议。 与此同时,中国当局也将目光转向了其他类型的药物。在上周发布的新冠病毒肺炎诊疗方案中,中国卫健委 Fitgenetix is proud of its large Chinese customer base. We are curating and publishing up-to-date information from credible sources about coronavirus in English and in Mandarin.  If you have specific questions, please contact Stay tuned for further updates!  

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Recovering from Coronavirus!

Amid global panic, there is some good news coming out China on patients recovering from coronavirus. The number of people recovering from the coronavirus in China is rising. According to health officials, 262 people left hospitals on Tuesday. The number of new coronavirus cases has dropped for two days in a row. Researches still lack enough data to identify how…

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Wuhan Coronavirus! How easily it may be passed between people?

Wuhan Coronavirus continues to expand. According to New York Times January 28, 2020, Coronavirus cases are up nearly 60 percent overnight. Chinese health officials reported thousands of infections. As the virus reportedly spreading from person-to-person health officials are trying to estimate how easily the virus is passed between people. In addition, there are efforts underway to determine whether those without…

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Wuhan Coronavirus. How to protect against it?

Fitgenetix is proud of its large Chinese following and customer base. Given the latest developments about the spread of Wuhan coronavirus. We are curating and publishing up-to-date credible information about the virus in English and in Mandarin. If you have specific questions, please contact What is Coronavirus? The coronavirus family is a large group of viruses that typically affect…

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