肠易激综合征系列 肠易激综合征(IBS)是一种胃肠道疾病,具有腹部绞痛和不适、腹胀、便秘和腹泻的症状。 IBS 可能是一种使人衰弱的疾病,会影响您的健康、人际关系、工作和整体生活质量。 超过 11% 的世界人口经历过肠道问题,许多人对几乎没有副作用的有效治疗感到疑惑。随着 NGS 的出现,科学家们正在开拓新的前沿,利用微生物组分析的最新研究发现 IBS 的自然、整体解决方案。最新发现之一包括基于微生物组分析的个性化营养计划和临床证明可以帮助 IBS 患者的个性化补充剂。 我们在本系列中的目标是让人们了解 IBS,提高人们对消化系统疾病的认识。讨论使用人工智能技术的最新发展。基于微生物组分析,为所有年龄、生活方式和疾病阶段提供广泛的治疗和技术,引入无药物选择。 特别欢迎我们的中国订阅者。我们提供免费试用来解决肠道问题。中医将肠道视为健康的重要方面之一。我们会说普通话的工作人员随时准备帮助您完成一份简短的问卷调查,看看您是否会成为该测试的候选人。请联系您的代表安排通话。 Cháng yì jī zònghé zhēng xìliè cháng yì jī zònghé zhēng (IBS) shì yī zhǒng wèi cháng dào jíbìng, jùyǒu fùbù jiǎo tòng hé bùshì, fùzhàng, biànmì hé fùxiè de zhèngzhuàng. IBS kěnéng shì yī zhǒng shǐ rén shuāiruò de jíbìng, huì yǐngxiǎng nín…
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, is a gastrointestinal disorder with symptoms of abdominal cramping and discomfort, bloating, constipation and diarrhea. IBS can be a debilitating condition that affects your health, your relationships, your job and overall quality of life. Over 75% of Americans have experienced bowel issues and many are left wondering about effective treatments with little to no side…

DNA Privacy, Confidentiality, and much more Fitgenetix was created to make the power of genomics more accessible to everyday people. We wanted to improve health and wellness through valid and actionable genomic information owned and controlled by the individual. By learning about genomics, our customers can bootstrap their ability to influence gene expression and genetic code from the bottom up….

Our genes provide an abundance of help for DNA Smart Living and in understanding ourselves better. DNA testing can help us make the right lifestyle choices to look and feel our best. However, if you are among 45% of the US population with food sensitivities, you may need to take the next step. Food allergies and sensitivities are becoming more…
Welcome to Fitgenetix, I’m Lee Akay, the founder. Fitgenetix was created out of a strong personal desire to bring the latest proven health and fitness technologies to everyday people like you and me. Having been involved in cutting-edge technologies for most of my professional career, I was acutely aware of the lag time confronting healthcare technologies for everyday use. I…
The healthcare industry will continue to be disrupted By Drew Hendricks Contributor, Inc.com @DrewAHendricks Healthcare in the United States and across the globe continues to improve, innovate and change how we handle and deal with our health on a daily basis. We used to only dream about a time when doctors could use 4D technology to monitor the blood flow…
A study published in The New England Journal of Medicine conducted by the International Agency for Research on Cancer has found solid evidence that being overweight or obese increases the risk for at least 13 types of cancer, which account for 42% of all new cancer diagnoses. Obesity has been growing in the US for over 20 years. Presently 1 in 3…
“Food choices matter.” We’ve known that since we were kids. An apple a day…but more than keeping the doctor away, what about keeping yourself in shape for peak performance? With all of the fad diets and bad advice out there, it can be hard to know which foods or supplements are best for increasing your strength and keeping your body…
Suppose two runners with low iron are taking iron supplements during their training. They follow similar workout routines and eat very similar diets. After several weeks, when race time comes, one runner suffers from low iron while the other has sufficient iron readings. Why would similar athletes have different health outcomes? It might well have to do with their DNA….
Welcome to Fitgenetix! As one-of-a-kind wellness program we combine genomic testing, personalized nutrition, personalized exercise plan and all organic fresh meal delivery service. We are proud to offer a comprehensive genetic wellness service that empowers you to take control of health and wellness based on your unique DNA. Recent studies have linked numerous aging signs to genetic predisposition, and many…