Our genes provide an abundance of help for DNA Smart Living and in understanding ourselves better. DNA testing can help us make the right lifestyle choices to look and feel our best. However, if you are among 45% of the US population with food sensitivities, you may need to take the next step. Food allergies and sensitivities are becoming more widespread and the symptoms more complex. Research shows that at least 60% of the U.S. population suffers from unsuspected food reactions that can cause or complicate health problems. Symptoms can be rather diverse, ranging from arthritis to Hashimoto’s disease, to migraines to chronic GI symptoms involving pain, diarrhea, constipation, and bloating. Now, based on newly available lab technology and rigorous science, we can have a DNA-friendly diet while avoiding foods that may have adverse effect on us.

At Fitgenetix we are passionate about providing the most comprehensive information to our subscribers through DNA-based whole person health with the goal of optimal wellness without unwanted side effects. DNA-based whole person health is more than a DNA test. It is about understanding underlying processes within and recognizing the many interconnected systems in the body. It takes into account individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle for each person. Genomic data is important but it becomes more powerful when combined with an individual’s functional characteristics, such as data obtained from labs, environment and biometrics.

To give people suffering from food sensitivities more control over their food choices and make transformative lifestyle decisions, Fitgenetix is now offering food sensitivities test, DNA-Plus.  This test isn’t necessary for everyone, but if you’ve ever wondered why you don’t feel 100% or experience recurrent belly bloat, this test might be for you. To help you make the right decision we’ve created a support group to answer your questions and to walk you through a survey.

Allergies create immediate reactions such as swelling or stuffy nose. Food sensitivities create ongoing inflammation that drives chronic symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, and pain. Our food sensitivity test is different from a conventional allergy tests, we offer the saliva option you may not need blood draw and your test may be covered by your insurance. In our test 88 dietary antigens are probed for specific IgG molecules and a compliment markers. Click here to learn more. Combining this information with your oxidative stress and inflammation marker results identified in our DNA test can help decrease weight gain and fatigue as well as reducing the chances of getting diseases and even decrease our rate of aging.

We invite you to contact us today to start your DNA-based whole person wellness journey so you can look and feel your best!



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