Do you keep trying to lose weight, but nothing happens? It’s not your fault!

There are over 200 different diets available today. To list a few, here are some calorie restriction diets: intermittent fasting, cookie diet, Nutrisystems, Weight Watchers, the Hacker’s diet by John Walker.  Then there are the low-fat diets: Atkins diet, Dukan, South Beach, the list goes on and on. Plus there are very limited diets like: cabbage soup diet, grapefruit diet, Israeli Army diet and yes, KE diet, in which an individual feeds through a feeding tube and does not eat anything.

Many weight loss diets are considered to have varying degrees of health risks, and some are not widely considered to be effective. This is especially true of “crash” or “fad” diets

The point is one-size-fits-all does not work for everyone. To be effective, your diet has to fit your unique genetic makeup and metabolism.  A Stanford University study found that people who had been eating according to their genetic makeup on average had lost 9 pounds more than those on one-size-fits-all diets.

An optimal diet is a DNA friendly eating, which can help us, feel more energetic while losing inches and gaining lean muscle. You can learn about your specific metabolism through genetic testing.  There are many options in the marketplace.  In genetic testing, size matters, panel size. It is important to understand the difference between the DNA tests. A simple way to evaluate DNA tests can start with understanding a number of SNP’s included in a given DNA test. Panel size refers to a number of SNP’s or genetic mutations examined by a given DNA analysis.

It is important for the test to provide you a multi faceted profile for you to have a more comprehensive and holistic view of your metabolism.  A DNA test is life long. The information that you find out from your DNA test stays with you for life. I think of genetic testing as an owner’s manual.  You probably don’t want an incomplete owner’s manual.  

Then there is the convenience factor. We also want to make it easy and convenient for you to follow the recommendations. At Fitgenetix we provide food prep and meal delivery services to help make nutrition needs convenient for you. 

Your data, your choice, your control! Click here to start your weight loss journey now.

I’m Lee Akay, the CEO of Fitgenetix. Thank you for reading our blog. We welcome any questions and comments and look forward to continuing to educate you about DNA Smart Living, your genes your food.

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