In The News

Wuhan Coronavirus. How to protect against it?

Fitgenetix is proud of its large Chinese following and customer base. Given the latest developments about the spread of Wuhan coronavirus. We are curating and publishing up-to-date credible information about the virus in English and in Mandarin. If you have specific questions, please contact What is Coronavirus? The coronavirus family is a large group of viruses that typically affect…
June 19, 2019

Introducing the Fitgenetix Genomic Intelligence Series

DNA Privacy, Confidentiality, and much more Fitgenetix was created to make the power of genomics more accessible to everyday people.  We wanted to improve health and wellness through valid and actionable genomic information owned and controlled by the individual. By learning about genomics, our customers can bootstrap their ability to influence gene expression and genetic code from the bottom up.…
Food For Thought

Announcing DNA-Plus Food Allergy Test

Our genes provide an abundance of help for DNA Smart Living and in understanding ourselves better. DNA testing can help us make the right lifestyle choices to look and feel our best. However, if you are among 45% of the US population with food sensitivities, you may need to take the next step. Food allergies and sensitivities are becoming more…
Food For Thought

Meet Fitgenetix Nutrition Consultant, Jessica Caricato

Fitgenetix values every team member that makes our vision possible and to show our appreciation, we are featuring some people part of our quality staff. Not only do we partner up with driven professionals, their expertise and credibility stands out. We are proud to introduce you to one of our nutrition consultants, Jessica Caricato, based out of New York City.…
In The News

Fitgenetix Congratulates Pro Golfer Scott Piercy On Win

Fitgenetix wants to congratulate Scott Piercy & Billy Horschel for winning the Zurich Classic of New Orleans. Fitgenetix is proud to team up with Scott, a professional golfer and 3-time PGA Tour winner. This standout athlete is always on the go, balancing golf, being on the road 30 weeks a year, plus he’s a family man, spending as much quality…
Food For Thought

My Fitgenetix DNA report enhanced my life

My name is Bill Ayers and this is my Fitgenetix experience. Highlights in this blog include: Down 25 lbs Inches lost, went from 38-36 waist Feeling great, fresh and energized Improved energy Education on optimal foods/exercises for genes More energy/more sleep Enhanced lifestyle My decision to purchase the Fitgenetix, “DNA Smartloss,” program has been very rewarding. The knowledge I gained from…
Food For Thought

Eating for life longevity, away from disease, heart problems & diabetes

My name is Mahashweta Ojha and this is my Fitgenetix experience. Highlights in this blog include:       Inches lost       Better digestion       Feeling great, fresh and energized       Less bloating in midsection       Working to improve cholesterol, Vitamin D intake       Understanding of the right foods for my body I’m from Dehli, India, but moved to America when I was 20-years-old and now live in…
In The News

Improving Quality Of Life Through Gene Expression

Fitgenetix Spokesperson Ashley Legg sat down with Juan Carlos Lopez-Talavera, MD, PhD to talk about Science, DNA, genetics and improving quality of life through everyday action.Juan Carlos is a physician and scientist who has been working in different areas of liver health for 25 years.His focus has been studying the obesity epidemic worldwide and how humans can avoid complications of…